Dergecoyn, $DERGE

CA: AijWamCLnVHieA6idF9q1UvP2A2jdQfUmNqvjL54rLKU

Hai me Derge! Me like doge but moar speshul. MuCh WoW.

Ticker: $DERGE
Contract Address: XXXXXXXXX

Hai me Derge! 😊 Me little Dergecoyn.. I luff everyone equal no matta der bakgrond. Dergecoyn is like da bestest, big familee eva! It don't matter if yoo from here or there, or if yoo talk different, or how many candles on your birtday cake. Me here to maek frens and hab fun in da crypto world!

Dergecoyn is sooo speshul. It like magik monies but in compooter! We no use boring old money, we use fancy digi-coins. It's like playin' a game, but with real monies!  

Wanna kno secret? $DERGE is not for beeing richy-rich. No no! It for smileys and happys. We here for da laffs, da giggles, and makin' friends. Dergecoyn is like big playgrond, but in da internet!

Dis toker hav no value other den to maek culture. We luv doggie. We hope you luv doggie 2. Can’t do 2024 bull witfout me nice, invite me 2

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